farmer training 

farmer training - tot

Moyee coffee is working with its government stakeholders, private company partners and small holder farmers to build the capacity of stakeholders and beneficiaries to get effective and efficient program implementation.  

On July 2017 we planned to conduct TOT training for 25 masters trainees on best agronomic practices and field demonstration through experienced and knowledge experts. As a result of the training, best agronomic and quality practices can be adopted by the farmers on their own coffee plantations; which will strongly improve their performance in terms of yields, income and sustainability. To perform activities in well adapted manner. Additionally, it helps to transfer innovative technology towards outgrowers. This TOT training provided participants from agriculture office, Jimma University, Ethiopia commodity exchange, for model farmers  and coffee , tea and spice  authority  of subject matter specialist.  


farmers are
trained on the best
agronomic practices

moyee's objectives

The general objective of the company is improving the competitiveness of coffee value chain by improving production of high quality standard coffee by dry and wet processing, end-to-end quality and traceability management system and introducing best coffee agronomic practice for out growers.

Specific objectives are improving the capacity 25 TOT trainees on modern coffee agronomic practices and improving the production green coffee beans, processing and marketing of unwashed and washed coffee for export.


One of the biggest challenges we expect is to ensure that smallholder farmers understand the need to invest time and money in training and that they are able and willing to do so. In order to overcome this challenge we will train the trainer to create awareness among the farmers about the positive effect of training. Training on promotion and marketing skills should help trainers to raise awareness among farmers about the services they offer, the price of such a service and how to contact the trainer specialized in the farmer’s specific needs.

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