Moyee subscription

Price for a cup of coffee has gone up for you, but down for the farmer. It can't be!

While coffee prices fluctuate every year, the demand for coffee continues to rise. But as consumer prices rise, the price farmers get for the beans keeps falling. The result is that farmers have little or no income to live on. In the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for coffee farmers – or even the governments of coffee-producing economies – to invest in the future.

The prices offered by the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) is a good example of the state of the sector. In 2017, coffee traded at $2.30/kg. In 2018, this dropped to $1.58/kg. In 2019, it rose slightly to $1.66/kg. What is worse is that Ethiopian farmers keep only 70% of this price. Farmers have become the pinball machines of commodity trading. That has to change!

Arabica coffee price 1978 - 2018

Moyee abo: everyone wins

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What do you get

Never an empty kitchen cupboard and 10,000 karma points. Welcome to the revolution!

Without thinking, you automatically get Specialty Coffee on the mat at home. That way you’ll never be without coffee again!

Seriously folks we created a unique tool that allows you to stop, pause and change your Abo in seconds. Our promise: the benefits, not the burden of a subscription

Better planning provides all kinds of benefits. Not only for our farmers and roasters, but also for us. And you know who we are… of course we share this advantage with you. Our efficiency goal: price up for the farmer and roaster and down for you.

what do you give

Thanks to your fixed purchase, we can better predict how much coffee we can purchase from our farmers and roasters, this provides certainty. Together we help farmers and invest in companies in coffee-producing countries.

We pay the farmer on average 300% more than the Fairtrade market price. Without raising the price for you. We invest heavily in farmer training to increase yield and quality of their crops and in other living income programs. Check out our impact report.

By roasting and packaging in the country of origin, we leave behind 500% more value. This makes these countries less dependent on development aid and creates valuable jobs for young people.


We teach the farmers how to handle the forest with care. Instead of constantly burning down forests for a new piece of land, our coffee is grown on a biodiverse piece of land among other plants in the forest . By drinking Moyee you contribute to forest conservation and because we help our farmers plant extra trees, our entire chain is CO2 neutral!

How does it work?


You choose your coffee, grind, quantity and how often you want to receive coffee. This is completely flexible to adjust later.


You can adjust your personal preferences in no time at all, such as the coffee taste, quantity, frequency and delivery date. You can easily pause or cancel the subscription.


The FairChain model leaves half the value behind in the country of origin and you as a coffee lover get the very best coffee for a price that is good for everyone in the chain.

Moyee abo widget

This is a small peek into the widget that gives you all the flexibility to customize your subscription. Easily customize your personal preferences such as coffee flavor, quantity, frequency and delivery date with each delivery.